
Why letters from family and friends are key to Marriage-Based Green Card Application

All of our clients submit letters of support from family and friends when we represent...

Why you do not need a joint bank account to be approved for a marriage-based green card

You don’t need a joint back account to win a marriage-based green card. The only...

Why your friend’s spouse can apply for a green card after entering as a tourist, but your spouse can’t.

For starters, let us say that US immigration law is so confusing! We often meet...

Fiance Visa to Citizenship

Our client of many years recently got their Citizenship Application approved! When they came to...

You married a US Citizen and you need a Green Card? Here’s how Cambridge Immigration Law can Help

Congratulations! We love working with clients like you at this wonderful time in your life...

Will I need to go to an interview?

Historically all marriage-based green card applicants were required to attend a USCIS interview to talk...