Heartbreaking Deportation of Connecticut Mother

The Trump Administration continues its senseless and arbitrary deportations of longtime members of our communities, of people who have contributed to our neighborhoods, our schools, our restaurants, our shops, and our diversity. The administration forgets, or likely refuses to admit, that our economy and our culture depends on people who are willing to work hard at jobs that are difficult or impossible to fill, whether those jobs are high-tech jobs or home-cleaning jobs. US workers should not be displaced, however the reality is that US workers are not able to fill some jobs, such as high-tech jobs or rural physician jobs, or are unwilling to take other jobs, such as low-paying, grueling jobs such as cleaning our homes.

Read the story at https://wnpr.org/post/without-documentation-or-criminal-record-immigrant-mother-faces-deportation?utm_source=Recent%20Postings%20Alert&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=RP%20Daily.