
Heartbreaking Deportation of Connecticut Mother

The Trump Administration continues its senseless and arbitrary deportations of longtime members of our communities...

August 2017 Visa Bulletin

The August 2017 visa bulletin is available on the US Department of State website at

I-751 Facing Lengthy Delays

In my practice, I represent many couples on removing conditions on residency, a requirement for...

Trump Cancels DAPA Plans

The current president's Secretary of Homeland Security, John Kelly, recently rescinded President Obama's plan to...

US Embassies and Consulates To Ask For Social Media Information

For years, I have asked my clients about their social media. What names are listed...

In 2018 “Undocumented” Immigrants with Drivers Licenses will NOT be able to travel via airplane

La Opinion reports that undocumented immigrants will not be able to use drivers' licenses in...