State Department Announces the winners of 2022 Diversity Immigration Visa Program
The State Department announced the winners of the 2022 Diversity Immigration Visa Program this Saturday. The program, also known as “The Green Card Lottery,” allows winners to apply for visas, opening up a pathway to citizenship. The program is limited to individuals from countries where less than 50,000 natives migrated to the United States within the previous five years. It benefits about 55,000 people each year.
The Diversity Immigration Visa Program lottery this year is especially important. Individuals banned by former President Donald Trump’s Presidential Proclamation 9645–which blocked migration from Yemen, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Somalia, Chad, and Libya–are now eligible once again under the Biden presidency. According to the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs, “pursuant to President Biden’s proclamation, the State Department will undertake a review to ensure that individuals whose immigrant visa applications were denied on the basis of the suspension and restriction on entry imposed by P.P. 9645 or 9983 may have their applications reconsidered.” Finally the individuals needlessly barred from opportunity may see hope on the horizon once more.
If you need to talk to an experienced immigration attorney. We’ve helped hundreds of couples traverse the complicated immigration and citizenship process. We would love to help you as well. Call 617-744-7919 or email to get in touch.
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