What Kinds of Criminal Issues Will Not Hurt My Immigration Case?
Few criminal issues hold zero risk of affecting your immigration case. However, a criminal history...
Disclosing Criminal Histories on Immigration Applications: What You Should Know
The United States requires all applicants for immigration benefits to disclose information about their criminal...
AILA Summary of Changes to Public Charge Rule
AILA published a summary of the changes to the public charge rules at the various...
Increased Processing Times of Immigration Applications Under the Trump Administration
Increased Processing Times of Immigration Applications Under the Trump Administration Why is my immigration application taking so long? ...
Become a US Citizen. Find Help on Citizenship Day!
There is no better time to become a US citizen as we approach a critical...
Decreased Communication and Negotiation with the Government Under the Trump Administration
Decreased Communication and Negotiation with the Government Under the Trump Administration To those paying attention...